
The flat bones of the skull develop from
The flat bones of the skull develop from

  • Require alkaline environment ( ↑ pH ) for bone alkaline phosphatase ( ALP ), an enzyme that cleaves inorganic phosphate from various substrates to make it available for mineralization.
  • Produce osteoid (organic bone matrix, mainly composed of collagen ), which is stored in layers on the mineralized matrix.
  • Stimulated by transforming growth factor-beta ( TGF-β), and bone morphogenic proteins.
  • Bone-building cells that differentiate from osteoprogenitor cells.
  • Differentiate into and replace osteoblasts.
  • Barely differentiated precursor bone cells that originate from the mesenchyme.
  • the flat bones of the skull develop from

    Protection (e.g., vertebrae protect the spinal cord).Include the sacrum, coccyx, vertebrae, mandible, palatine, hyoid, and temporal bones.Function to reduce friction of the tendon and to reduce excessive wear.Bones that develop within tendons (e.g., the patella).Composed of two layers of compact bone that surrounds trabecular bone and bone marrow.Include the scapulae, sternum, ribs, and most bones of the skull.Short bones: include tarsal and carpal bones.Apophysis: large bony projections where ligaments and tendons attach.Consists of compact bone and the medullary cavity where the bone marrow is stored.Metaphysis: area between the epiphysis and the diaphysis.Contains the articular surface of bones.

    the flat bones of the skull develop from

  • Linear growth of long bones in children and adults occurs in the epiphysis ( epiphyseal plate).
  • Proximal or distal end of a long bone with its trabeculae aligned along the lines of stress.
  • Consists of compact bone that surrounds trabecular bone.
  • the flat bones of the skull develop from

    Long bones : include the femur, humerus, ulna, radius, fibula, tibia, metacarpals, and phalanges.Storage ( calcium and phosphorus reservoir).

    The flat bones of the skull develop from